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  1. Babies naturally prefer sweeter tastes. Therefore, offer vegetables prior to fruit to limit the chances that your baby will reject vegetables.

  2. Offer plenty of variety. If your baby doesn’t like certain foods, try mixing it with a food they like.

  3. Do not force your baby to eat more than they want to, as they usually stop when they have had enough.

  4. Make mealtimes relaxed and allow your baby to make a mess. This encourages babies to experiment more with food and create a positive association with eating.

  5. Plan ahead by freezing batches of food.

  6. Try to include your baby in family meals. Babies are more likely to eat foods that they see others around them eating.

 Some ideas –

1/ I used to make a thick soup from bone broth, lentils and any vegetables I had available – see recipe section of

2/ Pureed cooked vegetables: broccoli + pea, carrot and red pepper, potato and onion, sweet potato, cauliflower etc.

3/ Pureed fruit: banana, mango, avocado, stewed pear / apple, plums, peaches.

Foods that should be avoided, include: 

  • Honey: Never give honey to infants under the age of 12 months due to the risk of botulism, a serious form of food poisoning.

  • Undercooked eggs: may contain Salmonella bacteria, which can make your baby ill.

  • Unpasteurized dairy products: Pasteurization kills bacteria that may cause infection.

  • Sugary, salty or highly processed foods or drinks: These usually supply very few nutrients. Sugar can damage teeth, and babies’ kidneys cannot cope with too much salt. Avoid adding salt to family meals.

  • Whole nuts: Do not give to babies and children under 5 years due to choking risk. Consult your pediatrician before introducing nut products if there’s a family history of nut allergies or if your child has other allergies.

  • Low-fat products: Babies need proportionately more fat in their diet than adults.

  • Cows’ milk: You can add cows’ milk in small amounts to foods. However, it should never be used as a main drink or given in large amounts as it does not provide enough iron or nutrients for your baby.

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