> cofactor in over 600 biochemical reactions, including [1] converting food into energy, [2] creating new proteins from amino acids, [3] helping create and repair DNA, [4] aiding in muscle contraction and relaxation, [5] regulating neurotransmitters (send messages in brain and nervous system)
> role in brain function and mood - low levels are linked to depression.
> almost 50% of people with type 2 diabetes have low magnesium - impairs the body’s ability to regulate blood sugar levels effectively.
> supplements can lower HBP, bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels=> reduced risk of heart disease.
> may prevent and treat migraines – 1g relieves acute migraine attacks.
> relieve PMS symptoms - magnesium levels fluctuate throughout the menstrual cycle => worsens PMS symptoms if deficient.
> crucial for maintaining bone health and protecting against bone loss.
> regulates neurotransmitters (such as GABBA) involved in sleep=> helps insomnia.