GS is a genetic condition that runs in families. A faulty gene causes the liver to have problems removing bilirubin from the blood. Normally, when red blood cells reach the end of their life, haemoglobin breaks down into bilirubin.The liver converts bilirubin into a water-soluble form, which passes into bile before being removed from the body. In GS, bilirubin is not passed into bile at the normal rate and builds up in the bloodstream. This gives the skin and whites of the eyes a yellowish tinge.
> levels of bilirubin in the blood are elevated and can change over time. > mild jaundice is the commonest symptom - generally doesn't require medical intervention. > high bilirubin is a sign that there’s something going on with your liver function but if you have Gilbert’s syndrome, your liver is usually otherwise normal. > around 1 in 3 people with Gilbert's syndrome do not experience any symptoms at all. > inform all doctors of diagnosis, as GS can affect the way your body processes and releases certain medications, including cancer therapy drugs. > alcohol intolerance is common- with severe hangovers. > not related to lifestyle habits, environmental factors or serious underlying liver problems, such as cirrhosis or hepatitis C.

Jaundice triggers include: [1] dieting or not eating for a long time, [2] dehydration, [3] stress or anxiety, [4] exerting yourself physically, [5] reduced sleep, [6] infection, [7] surgery, [8] alcohol, [9] medicines (some cancer treatments, gemfibrozil and some HIV drugs), [10] influenza, [11] vitamin B3 supplements.
> avoid Panadol & supplements containing high doses of vitamins B3, A or D & cod liver oil. > increase berries, melon, grapes, beetroot juice, citrus fruits, beans and cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, radish, and brussels sprouts). > drink green tea to improve enzyme activity.
Recommended supplements may include: 1/ Fish oil supplement 2/ Milk thistle 3/ Probiotics 4/ N Acetyl L Cysteine (NAC) 5/ MSM 6/ Vitamin C ​See a GP if you have an episode of jaundice for the first time.