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Fasting is the abstinence or large reduction in food for a specific time period – ideally one 24 hr fast/week. It is important to drink at least 2 litres of purified water with each fast. The body uses a considerable amount of its energy digesting food. By fasting, energy can be redirected to self-healing. 


Benefits include:

[1] reduced blood sugar & bad cholesterol levels, BP & some inflammation markers; 

[2] increased growth hormone secretion, brain function and metabolism; 

[3] enhanced cognition, mood and emotional / physical wellbeing.

Fasting Recipes


Vegetable Juice (Fast 2)

1 ‘thumb’ ginger.    1 apple     8 carrots     1 beetroot 2 stalks kale     2 stalks celery    5 sprigs parsley 2 stalks Swiss chard.    Small bunch spinach

Ideally use a juicer or else blend with water and strain.

This recipe is excellent for detoxification, alkalising and reducing blood pressure 


Fruit Juice (Fast 2)

2 cups blueberries   4 apples    1 cucumber  juice from 1 lemon    1/2 pineapple


Add 1 cup of water and blend until smooth. 

Vegetable Broth (Fast 3)

4 medium-sized carrots      4 large onions.      4‒5 cloves of garlic          10 sticks of celery.       4 potatoes with skin      Do not add salt 

  1. Put vegetables into a pot and cover with purified water.

  2. Bring to the boil; then reduce heat and simmer for 2 hrs. 

  3. Strain to remove the vegetables.

Contraindications for fasting:                                            

  1. Pregnancy, breastfeeding, infants.                                            

  2. Adrenal exhaustion and diabetes.                                                                  

  3. Emaciation and debility or eating disorders.                          

  4. Severe liver, heart or kidney disease.                                                            

  5. Prescription / recreational drugs. 

The following guidance should be noted. 

  • Fasting days should be relaxing days: enjoy baths, stretching, deep breathing. Avoid high-intensity physical exertion. 

  • Reduced calorie intake can lead to cold intolerance. Keep warm, take warm baths. 

  • Periodic fasting should be incorporated as part of a healthy lifestyle routine.

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